Having one or two maples in your yard could prove to be a blessing. Especially if you have children and they want you to build them a tree house. A tree house is not just the perfect playground for them, but it also represents the best place to hide from a gloomy whether, a fairytale land where to play and read the favorite books, but also a great place to sleep during the hot summer nights.
There are numerous things to consider when deciding to build a tree house. If you want to make a modern tree house, with an interesting design, but with a resistant, durable and safe structure, you can certainly get a design that will suit your taste and requirements. But the quality and weight of the materials should not be neglected.

Of course, you may build a tree house nearby trees and without a direct attachment to trees. This option is much safer, versatile and sustainable, while it represents a simple alternative made with a set of wooden stilts and a plywood–framed box. Because it will not be affected by the wind and the movement of branches, this kind of tree house is much safer than a tree – tied option. But it is also practical and it can certainly become the favorite playground of your children.
For this kind of tree house you need standard-sized beams, sheets and boards, concrete footings and some steel anchors to add stability, solidity and simplicity as well. Basic carpentry skills are also required, capabilities that will make you become the hero of your children.

Once when the framework is made, you have to carefully elevate it. Keeping one of the walls made of plexiglass will allow the natural light to come in, while you will also be able to watch your children playing inside their tree house. The chic and modern appearance of this house will certainly draw the attention of your neighbors and they will want to have one in their yard, as well.
This tree house is weatherproof and even you can spend some quality time in there with your children. The rain will not stop them from playing and you will benefit of enough light to read a book in the company of your children. Nothing stops you from putting inside the tree house some chairs, a little table and boxes with toys. Furthermore, if the structure is strong and resistant, you can arrange some kind of bedding where your children will be able to spend some summer nights.
In case if there are more trees around the tree house, it will seem like a house in a forest and your children will grow in harmony with nature. Plant various types of trees and flowers and this house will represent your perfect leisure space.
Be creative, engage your children in the process of building the tree house and you may even use their ideas to make a magical tree house! They will be glad to feel useful and the final results will amaze you all!
Source: dornob.com